Xero Health check and Clean up
Take advantage of our Xero health check for a nominal fee of $109 (incl GST). Your file will be reviewed by a CPA and certified Xero consultant to identify issues and provide you with a list of recommendations.
We look for errors and inconsistences, and recommend ways to improve the function of your Xero file.
Areas covered in the health check include file set-up, bank accounts, chart of accounts, GST coding and much more!
To book a Xero Health check, send your contact information on our Contact Us page. We will send you an invoice for the payment. Invite us (info@sumsubstance.com.au) to be an advisor for your Xero file.
You will receive your recommendations within 48 hours of us gaining access to your file and payment confirmation.
For more information about our Xero clean-up service or our quarterly review package, please email us at info@sumsubstance.com.au or send your request on our contact us page.