
Do you DIY Bookkeeping? Know You’re On Track with a Health Check

With the constant pressures of cost of living not to mention businesses having a hard time everywhere at the moment, cutting back and finding ways to save is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Since the rise of cloud accounting (systems like Xero, MYOB etc), DIY bookkeeping has never been easier. As bookkeepers of course…

Streamlining Expense Claims

Wondered how streamlining expense claims can help your business? By putting in place a process and systems, you can be sure that claims are all legitimate and entered into your accounting software correctly. This will mean your staff are paid back correctly and quickly, and also their expenses are then entered in to your accounting…

Why We Love ApprovalMax for Medical Practices

ApprovalMax is a cloud-based approval workflow solution designed to simplify the approval processes for various financial transactions. While it wasn’t specifically designed for medical practices, its features can be very beneficial for them just as they are for other businesses. Here are our favourite ways ApprovalMax helps medical practices. ✅ Streamlined Approval Workflows Medical practices…

Doing Your Own Bookkeeping: It Is Easier Than You Think

As a small business owner, keeping up with your finances is one of the most important tasks you have. Bookkeeping can be a daunting task and many business owners end up outsourcing it to a professional due to a lack of confidence or knowledge. However, with the right training and systems in place, doing your…

Top Tips for Management Reporting

Good management reporting is essential for any business. These reports are crucial when it comes to analysis and making business decisions. Here are my top tips for getting good management reports using your accounting software. Ensure Consistency in Allocations When allocating transactions, it’s important to be consistent. For example, if you’re allocating a transaction to…