
How To Set Yourself Up For Success In 2022

Well 2021 is finally behind us and hopefully 2022 can only bring us bigger and better things. For many people, January is the perfect time for reflection on the year that was. It is also the perfect time for goal setting for the future. Setting yourself up for success in 2022 shouldn’t be hard or…

How a CFO can Transform Your Business

No matter how small your business may be, having a CFO can transform your business. Over many years in the industry, the three biggest challenges I see small to medium businesses face are cash flow, time management and growth. By engaging a professional who is solely focussed on the finances of the business, you can…

Why Paying Super Late Can Eat Up Your Business

In business, just like in life, there are some ‘must do’s’ and then we all have a wish list of ‘nice to have’. When it comes to paying your employees superannuation, this is an absolute must do!  The ATO have been coming down hard on businesses who do not comply, and ensuring employees are receiving…

DIY Bookkeeping

Expenses, invoicing, pays, BAS, GST… the list goes on. Every business (big and small) has to do bookkeeping to some extent, and if it is done by yourself or an employee, as long as you have the right training, software and support, you can do it successfully. Here are some key tips to help you successfully…

How a System Health Check Can Help the Quality of your Books

Are you confident that your accounting systems are running optimally and efficiently for your business? By conducting a regular accounting file health check you can rest assured your accounting file remains accurate and clean. This improves the overall quality of your books enabling you to make more informed business decisions. How does a system health…

Importance of Budgeting and Planning

Budgets and planning go hand in hand. It’s important for every business owner to have a budget to help them understand the direction they want their business to go in and come up with a plan on how to get there. Budgeting helps you understand your business’s current financial status and will enable you to…

bookwork spread over a desk with a pen

Top Tips on Finding the Right Bookkeeper

Are you one of the many business owner’s who has not been able to find that super star bookkeeper? The idea of finding a good, reliable bookkeeper can be an overwhelming task if you don’t know what to look for.    Here are are top tips to help you find the right bookkeeper for your…

The Importance of Management Reports for Business Owners

As a business owner it is important to review financial reports. Financial reports are a way to share the financial story of the business.  Whether you are a one man show or you have a full team, reviewing financial reports always help in decision making. Profit and loss is not the only report to be…

The Top 10 Bookkeeping Mistakes in Food Manufacturing Businesses

Many small to medium businesses have a part time bookkeeper or have an office manager that does their bookkeeping. For the most part these people are fantastic, however, there are some common mistakes that they make and these can cost you as a business. In this video we will take you through the areas that…

Managing Your Cashflow in Xero

What is the biggest problem that small businesses face? CASHFLOW!!!In this 45 minute webinar Neha will talk about cashflow, how to manage it better and how to use your Xero software to help you.If you are a small business using Xero then this is a must see webinar!